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YOGA: An art as well as a Science: 1 to 4

Yoga, it is a science as well as an art. It’s an art, for unless it is practiced sensitively and intuitively it will yield only superficial results and it’s a science, ...

YOGA: An art as well as a Science: Continued

  Improved immunity: Our system is a seamless blend of the mind, spirit and body. An non-regularity in the body affects the mind and similarly un-pleasantness or rest-lessness ...

Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet A healthy diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to deliver nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting ...

Exercise: Physical Movement

Exercise is a type of physical movement that’s planned and structured. Physical movement simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Resting, walking, running, dancing, ...

Yoga Asana: Halasana

Halasana   This asana is called the plough pose. In this posture, the abdominal muscles are strengthened and it ensures a healthy condition of the spine. It enhances the flexibility ...

Yoga Asana: Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana In ancient yoga, as well as in modern science, the spinal cord is the most important and most subtle part of the body. Most asanas involve the spinal column. The asanas ...

Yoga Asana: Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma What is Anuloma Viloma? Anuloma Viloma is a breathing technique. In Sanskrit Anuloma means with the natural order and Viloma means going against. Thus it is called an ...

Yoga Asana: Vajrasana

Vajrasana             What is Vajrasana? ‘Vajra’ means diamond. The body is rigid as a diamond in this posture. This is a basic position for ...

Yoga Asana: Padmasana (Kamalasana)

Padmasana (Kamalasana) What is Padmasana? ‘Padma’ and ‘Kamala’ means lotus. The position resembles a lotus, a very calm, peaceful and holy symbol. The Hindu ...